Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Childish Gambino: 3.15.20 (2020) (Experimental,Hip-hop,Pop,R&B,Soul)

In attempting to create an experimental record, Gambino sadly loses himself in the rubble. A lot of promise is in this record and it starts off well (Algorhythm being a highlight), however, the production is not as consistent and cutting edge as it may believe itself to be, and the Motown inspired gimmicks can seem forced and stale. It seems much of this album is filled with attempts to merger a profound message with futuristic, experimental sounds, many of which are nabbed from Yeezus. Gambino still has mellower tracks but these often feel breezy and inconsequential. Though you might find good moments, most of 3.15.20 is as bland as the cover art. 

Best Tracks: Algorhythm, 53.49


Contemporary R&B/Experimental/ Hip-hop/ Neo-Soul/Pop

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