A Frankenstein of millennial music trends that is sure to take even the most eclectic listeners by surprise, but not so much in their innovation but rather how they cram genres into songs. Gloves are off as 100 gecs throw dubstep, rock, pop, rap, ska, punk, metal and all kinds of other genre cliches in the same songs. Failing to fully focus on one concept, the strength and weakness of gecs is their willingness to divert music trends by cobbling songs through different genres. This is admirable but at times it just feels like they don't know how to end their songs or feel compelled to challenge the listener in a very tacky, unfocused, forced way, resulting in dubstep swamps and black metal diversions (745 sticky, 800db cloud) which are cool sometimes, I guess. Many of the hooks are extremely catchy and the production is very quirky and as diverse as can be for a homemade studio. A clear ethos of chaos and angst, not unfamiliar to the target audience, is clearly shown in the short 23 minute run time. Though many songs are very entertaining and the nostalgia and novelty of 1000 gecs may be enticing, the album can seem like a collection of concepts blended together with little purpose other than the rebellious envelope-pushing message their music gives, without fully directing these concepts in fully potentiated directions.
Best Tracks: 745 sticky*, money machine*, stupid horse, ringtone*
Bubblegum bass/Experimental Pop
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